Animals Animals Facts

Our Animals and Facts workshop is great as a general introduction to animals for people of all ages. Our Experts are all about animals facts and love answering questions. So if you are full of questions, ask away! We are familiar with the very wildest animals, down to our close animal friends.

At an early age, we are naturally curious about animals and full of questions. Nursery is a great place to start learning more about the creatures that we love and share our planet with. Learning about animals is also great fun. The animals in our family are from all over the world. Each one has their own personality, characteristics and behaviors.

In this workshop we discuss and display a wide variety of different animals whilst giving the students the chance to touch, hold and interact with them. used in this session

What is the Core Focus?
  • Learn interesting facts about a broad range of animals.

  • A great choice for nursery and early-learning ages.

  • Broaden the natural curiosity of the children.

What Animals are used?

A mix of Mammals, Reptiles/Amphibians and Invertebrates are used for this topic.

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Who Is This For?

Nurseries & Preschools

Infant & Junior Schools

Secondary Schools

Special Educational Needs

Children's Parties