Animals Mini Beasts
Examples of Mini-Beasts including spiders, millipedes, wasps, worms, beetles, flies and thousands more exist all over the world. Britain alone has 40,000 known species of Mini-Beast.
Mini-Beasts are better known as invertebrates (without a backbone). To make up for their lack of backbone, many have a hard shell called an exoskeleton, which will help protect them.
Roughly 97% of all animals are invertebrates and without them we would not be able to survive. Each invertebrate plays a crucial role in our ecosystem whether it is a pollinator, waste recycler or even providing food for other animals.
In this workshop we discuss and display a wide variety of different invertebrates whilst giving the students the chance to touch, hold and interact with them.
What is the Core Focus?
What are the different groups of invertebrate?
Where do you find mini-beasts?
What do mini-beasts eat?
Why are they important?
What Animals are used?
A mix of Mammals, Reptiles/Amphibians and Invertebrates are used for this topic.