Animals rainforests
Rainforests are found all along the equator, Asia, Australia, Africa and South America. Rainforests currently only take up 2% of the world but receive the largest amount of rainfall.
There are four layers of the Rainforest, Emergent Layer, Canopy Layer, Understory and the Forest Floor. The Emergent layer is the tops of the tallest trees, The Canopy Layer is the thick layer made up of irregular tree tops and other plants, The Understory is made up of young trees and plants that require low light and the Forest Floor is ground level and receives less than 2% of the sunlight.
Two thirds of all plant species are in the Rainforest. Plants provide shelter and food for animals. Plants are crucial in the production of most, if not all the world’s oxygen.
Rainforests are home to 427 species of mammal, 378 reptiles and over 400 amphibian species and all thrive on very wet & humid conditions.
In this workshop we discuss and display a wide variety of Rainforest animals whilst giving the students the chance to touch, hold and interact with them.
What is the Core Focus?
What is a Rainforest?
Where are the Rainforests?
Layers of the Rainforest
What animals are in each Layer?
What Animals are used?
A mix of Mammals, Reptiles/Amphibians and Invertebrates are used for this topic.